Count your blessings - January 2020

  1. Pink sky sunrises during my commute (so I don't have to be up insanely early to enjoy them).
  2. Puzzling with the children
  3. Beertje cuddling with me in bed early in the morning
  4. Spending my "sport and cultuurcheques" that I received from my employer on the first day I had them in the renewal of the children's swimming expiry date to keep track off!
  5. A great collaborative spirit at work even for some discussion points
  6. A fun temporary professional challenge that is no longer temporary
  7. Breaking the record of 4-5 weeks (in winter time!!) where all of us in our family are completely snot-free. Never happened in the last 7 years. 
  8. A night sky crazily filled with stars
  9. A squirrel regularly passing through the garden.
  10. Listening to Kabouter who is trying to read a book and noticing his progress in reading
  11. Cleaned windows
  12. Hyacinths at home
  13. Observing Beertje dancing at the music of the Gala of the Gouden K's and seeing Kabouter's enthousiast cheers when "his choice" wins an award
  14. Waking up after 8 Am and realising you've slept undisturbedly through the night
  15. A very hot and long shower
  16. Going out for lunch with a friend on a homeworking day

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  
As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link


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