Count your blessings - September 2022

  1. Dropping 2 excited boys off back at school on Sept 1st
  2. Being genuinely happy to return to the office and see my team after a long absence
  3. Tomatoes that still ripe in September to harvest 
  4. Participating in a secret project of friends
  5. Truly enjoying the warmth of my duvet again and the little safe nest it gives at night
  6. The Men of the Year, the men of 72 celebrating their 50th birthday in a traditional way in Leuven. 
  7. Kabouter moving up one level in swimming classes despite the opposite message at the end of June. Guess we've been practising swimming well during holiday.
  8. Rainy days...we've come to the point we are deliriously happy by rainy days
  9. Grass returning green to the landscape
  10. Starting the "We keep on turning #wedraaiendoor" brainstorm again after a long summer break
  11. Watching Thuis again
  12. Neighbours that bring you home-made jam and offer to take care of Rodin if ever needed, after already taking care of our garden for almost a month
  13. Attending a concert again 
  14. Fresh home made tomato soup
  15. A new colleague joining
  16. Observing judo class
  17. Nights with more than 8 hours sleep
  18. Some of my readers that leave a comment on my blog...thank you
  19. A flock of geese flying over and spotting 2 little deer in the field on my way to work
  20. Walking through the fields in the sun to the vaccination center (after days of rain)
  21. Playing my "happy" playlist on that walk and getting the smurfenlied all of a sudden. Quickly glance around if there is any walkers nearby in sight and do a little secret turnaround dance...continue walking with this silly huge grin on my face. 

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  
As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link


Anne said…
Fijn dat ik een plekje krijg tussen jouw kleine gelukjes :-)
Goofball said…
@Anne: 2 keer hoor: Wedraaiendoor maar ook comments krijgen ;). Merci daarvoor
Anne said…
:-) Met plezier :-)

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