Count your blessings - September 2022
- Dropping 2 excited boys off back at school on Sept 1st
- Being genuinely happy to return to the office and see my team after a long absence
- Tomatoes that still ripe in September to harvest
- Participating in a secret project of friends
- Truly enjoying the warmth of my duvet again and the little safe nest it gives at night
- The Men of the Year, the men of 72 celebrating their 50th birthday in a traditional way in Leuven.
- Kabouter moving up one level in swimming classes despite the opposite message at the end of June. Guess we've been practising swimming well during holiday.
- Rainy days...we've come to the point we are deliriously happy by rainy days
- Grass returning green to the landscape
- Starting the "We keep on turning #wedraaiendoor" brainstorm again after a long summer break
- Watching Thuis again
- Neighbours that bring you home-made jam and offer to take care of Rodin if ever needed, after already taking care of our garden for almost a month
- Attending a concert again
- Fresh home made tomato soup
- A new colleague joining
- Observing judo class
- Nights with more than 8 hours sleep
- Some of my readers that leave a comment on my blog...thank you
- A flock of geese flying over and spotting 2 little deer in the field on my way to work
- Walking through the fields in the sun to the vaccination center (after days of rain)
- Playing my "happy" playlist on that walk and getting the smurfenlied all of a sudden. Quickly glance around if there is any walkers nearby in sight and do a little secret turnaround dance...continue walking with this silly huge grin on my face.
This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.
As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link