A day in the Center Parc's swimming pool

Beertje and Kabouter had done a language camp in the beginning of the summer and Beertje got along well with one of the girls in his group. Later on he assumed I'd have their contact details to meet once again but alas, we had no clue who were the other participants. 

In the end I sent a mail to the organisation with the request to give our contact details to the parents of this girls, since it would be inappropriate by privacy laws to request their contact details.  It was rather shocking but also hilarious that the camp organisation simply forwarded my mail to these parents...with me in copy.  Someone did not really understand "privacy" and consent.

Anyway, these people contacted us and in the end we had an appointment to meet in the Ardennes during our and their vacation.  They were staying in the Center Parcs in Vielsalm and I took the boys for a day of swimming with their friends. And while Jan enjoyed a calm day off on his own, I so ended up in bikini next to some unknown people for a full day while our children were splashing around and have a great time. Fortunately it were nice friendly people but also quiet and in the end we were all indulged in a book.  These tropical swimming pools are so noisy! But in the end it wasn't so bad to spend a day there. It was a good opportunity for us to once spot and look around in this Center Parc and see what it's like. 



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