
What a doubtful honor: my soap opera story from last Sunday got stolen (=copied) and published on a splog full of adds. There it is word for word in German.

Grrrrrrrrrr. I feel ripped off. I don't want to make publicity for this site by generating a lot of hits, but if you do really want to check it out, you would please me if you could all report this blog to blogger while passing by....you know: that flag thingie on top of the screen? And please enter 'tourismnonstop dot blogspot dot com' also in http://www.splogreporter.com/ for me, will ya? thankx!

Any other ideas?


Jen said…
what an absolute drag!!! I couldn't find the blog where it WAS published, but I did report to splogreport. I haven't even heard of this happening. I'm so sorry. Can you re-post your SOS? Ugh, that would make me so unbelievably mad!
Jen said…
Oops... now I saw it. NM about re-posting...
Allie said…
I will have to meet up with you online to figure out how to help you. The links aren't working for me ....

So ... are you saying that someone copied your story and told it as their own?

How are you? Sending HUGE hugs to you Ellen. I really miss you.
david santos said…
Goofball, merci!
Jen said…
The site was working today... I flagged it. The problem is that it doesn't allow you to report WHY it's objectionable. Can you write to blogger about it?
anno said…
That really sucks! I've flagged that post, but I'm not sure how to use splogreporter. How did you ever discover this?
Goofball said…
Anno: I found out via technorati, where I saw that this blog had linked to mine. I was curious what it had to say about me and then I noticed to my astonishment that there was my soap opera sunday, word for word including the links to Brillig and Walking Kateastrophe!

Seems like flagging the splog on blogger does not help.

In splogreporter, you can click 'report splog' and there you can enter the URL of the splog.
some advertises do take into account with published splog lists and do not wish to advertise on them.

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