How can you make sure you have to work late?

If you plan a big system update in the weekend (executed by your supplier who has proven their capacity to blunder previously) ...

If you do so in a weekend where you take a day off and you go on a three day trip after your ex-boss agreed to do the testing on Sunday (but you need to brief him properly and document the changes to him)....

If you had planned a last minute new software training/hand-over from a very very pregnant colleague who leaves on maternity leave on your last day before that same weekend...

If you have other meetings on that same day as well...

If you still need to do some last minute testing because the supplier fixed something last minute in the test environment....

Then you get a long hectic day!
And now I am tired but my brain keeps racing in overdrive....I suppose I'd better not continue to blog anymore tonight.


lies said…
Hopelijk alles weer onder controle ondertussen... een ontspannend weekend toegewenst!
Jen said…
This sounds pretty familiar at my house, too. D finds himself in that position from time to time.
Carol said…
Oh man, TELL me about it! Grrrr!

Alex Elliot said…
I hope you get some rest!
Jenn in Holland said…
Hmmmm... sounds like sure fire recipe for being overworked to me!

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