A good cure against a headache: Ellen DeGeneres and Gladys

What if you've woken up 2 days in a row as tired as you went to bed and you remain so all day despite liters of caféine.
What if you've had this simmering headache constantly despite Dafalgan that makes you wondering if it would be a relief to look cross-eyed.
What if you really need to catch up a lot of work.

...then you can click only half awake on a post from Snooker in Berlin (http://snookspot.blogspot.com/) during lunch and despite her warning, you almost choke from laughing during this clip. Gosh this is so hilarious and it felt so good to crack up out loud even though I had some explaining to do then to my colleagues.

Feel like laughing too? Enjoy!


Korie said…
Oh my lord I cracked up!!!
That's so funny.
Betsy said…
Thanks, I really needed that laugh!

Your symptoms sound familiar! Sure hope I didn't give this to you!

Feel better soon!
Jen said…
Oh my goodness, my whole family was on the floor. I think we all need an 88-year-old mother or Nana like Gladys!
Snooker said…
Hey Goofball!
Isn't that great? Now I play it every workday after lunch just to get myself into a nice mood for the rest of the day's work.

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