Leuven in Scène: Circus and acrobatic wedding
Leuven has a big circus school and several circus organizations so it is no surprise that circus acts take up a big portion of Leuven in Scène. In the afternoon the park Bruul was transformed in a buzzing place full of acrobats and performances in all corners while in the other corners, the kids could try & learn some circus skills themselves.
Many many people had arrived from all corners to see it all, some dressed as minimalistic as possible on this early hot summer day, some dressed in rather strange outfits as if they had just jumped out of an Ensor painting ....
When there's a party, there's got to be happy music :)
Cie altitude biking above the crowd
Hors cycles combining bike stunts with trampoline jumping
After arriving late at a wedding party on Saturday we had learned to be well in time for our second attempt at Sunday. We were welcomed by a ceremonial master on stelts and found a spot on the square well in advance to see the wedding party arrive.
The bride & groom were wedded by the same deputy mayor who wedded us a year ago but the ceremony was often interrupted/entertained by the crazy acrobatic wedding party and some ended up on the trampolines, poles or trapezes. Good times.