I'm learning

I'm learning not to try to be in control of my day schedule anymore, not to plan. But I'm also learning to dare to go out for a (nearby!) walk even if there is a chance that he might ask for feeding before we're back.

I'm learning to cosily settle down among pillows if the baby needs to feed again even if he has hardly finished his previous feeding and watch the backlog of the digital recorder.

I'm learning to go to bed at the start of the evening (recording most of the tv programs then...I'll watch them one day in the coming weeks) and to read FB in the middle of the night.

I'm learning to start a blog post and only complete it 4 days later.

I'm learning not to feel panic anymore when he cries because of cramps. I'm learning to trust that the cramps will pass after 30 min, 60 min or more and that he'll calm down into an adorable sleeping angel.

I'm learning to eat faster in small breaks (it's a miracle, I know!).

I'm learning to let him cry for a bit if I urgently need to go to the bathroom.

I'm learning to sleep with him in my arms if needed.

I'm learning to function more or less with only a few naps of 1 or 2h max.

I'm learning to ask Jan or the maternity household help to give him a bath and sooth him while I go to bed for a short nap in the mean time, and not getting up again when I hear the first shreek next door.

I'm learning to be more confident

I'm learning and I am making progress....but I've not quite mastered it at all yet.  We'll get there step by step ;)


Brian Miller said…
ha. and this is only the beginning...you will learn so much...and dare so much...and fail so much....we all do...smiles...

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