Kabouter's Words VI
His new vocabulary is picking up really fast now, so it's hard to keep track of all the new words but here's the majority of new words of the last couple of weeks.
- Poes Cat as opposed to "iauww" before
- Bis Bus as opposed to B before
- Pjopjajen (Vrachtwagen = Truck) as opposed to Pjopja before (he adds a syllable)
- Koe Cow (rather than Meuh)
- Aap Schaap - Sheep (rather than Meeeeeh) (but of course it is also monkey)
New words
- Blauw blue (in the context of blue cars that get distinguished from non blue cars)
- Broek pants
- Bumbalu finally after half a year he distinguishes his big yellow friend Bumba from his big red friend Bumbalu
- Mindy Mega Mindy (child hero figure)
- Plop Child cartoon figure
- Valle Fallen
- Kapop Broken
- Maken Fix it please
- Eten Eat
- Bellen to phone
- Oen Shoe
- Ooka Wavis Orca Whale
- Ottopus Octopus
- Aaien (Draaien) Turn
- Oets(en) Brush
- iPad iPad (very important!)
- Piejaat Pirate
- Uittekken Take off
- Boekje Book
- Pakken Pick up
- (s)poojen (train)tracks
- Blauw blue (default color when he guesses any color)
- Gjoen Green (next guess for colors)
- Jood Red (another guess for colors)
- Wam Warm
- Blazen to blow (on hot food)
- Rijen to ride (a car, truck, ...)
- Ta(s) a mug
- Bod a plate