Last day of Familiebar
On August 14th it was the last day that the city of Leuven organised its Familiebar in the park. As always when something is almost over, you feel the need to go just one last time.
We hang around with the kids and watched some of the animation. Someone had a workshop for children where you could spin paint around in a cilinder by cycling on an old bike , which created quite original paintings. Hmm who comes up with this stuff?
The ducklings in the pond were equally fun to watch
Kabouter played by himself in the big sand box while we were lounging a few meters further in the park. Bad idea apparently as the side of the sand box was full of tar and at the end our little Kabouter who had climbed back out of the sand box was also full of tar. GRRRRRRR damn you city, how is it possible that a kids toy is full of tar. An entire, really nice kid's outfit ready for garbage (please please please, is there any reader that can give me the solution to fix this? I've tested greasing in the tar with olive oil or butter to wash it later on with dreft and cleaning petrol but there's no effect at all. The only solution that seems to be left is ironing a big sticker on the tar stain???? Any other suggestions??)
At the end of the afternoon we watched a clown's performance, together with a girl from his school that had showed up.
'k denk na mijn herinvetten /wasbenzine routine dat wat overschiet echt volledig in de vezels is. Nu ja, 'k kan wel nog iets lokaal proberen als volgende stap er iets opnaaien is.