

I had to bite my lip Friday not to say it out loud to your friends at the table next to us. You would have chuckled if I did. It was a funny joke in our family how you had made us belief for a short while that this was an actual German word.  Thanks to you I'll always hesitate for one second at a table with German speaking people, whether I can say this or not. At that moment, I'll remember you.


It's hard to believe that I'll never tell you schmecklich at a meal anymore. You intended to come and visit my parents again this summer, but you didn't make it anymore.  You will be happy to know that we'll try to continue our "Germanlandisch" gibberish in our Belgian - German family meetings, generation after generation, just like you maintained the contacts between our families so well after E. , L. and J. had passed away.

We were there Friday to say goodbye. Your sense of humour and your soft-nature came back in our memories so strongly.  Rest in peace, Willy. And schmecklich if you'd happen to eat rice up there together with the others.


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