Count your blessings - May 2019

  1. Roadworks that finish after 2 months instead of the planned 4 months. And so I could drive to my work again through the forest instead of doing the extra 15 min detour. 
  2. A month with many holidays
  3. After a really exhausted difficult week, managing to sleep well for over a week and feeling energy and concentration return
  4. Heating when May turns to be autumn instead of spring. 
  5. Buying and planting new flowers and plants
  6. Some good rain showers (while I'm working in the office, in full knowledge that nature needs it)
  7. The return of the cows in the field outside behind us in the East of Belgium
  8. A brisk walk in between showers all alone through the fields with lots of birds whistling
  9. Dreaming about vacations
  10. Observe the children during swimming class and see them shine, giggle, splash, move and have fun
  11. Reunions with friends I haven't seen in decades
  12. Friends that come over for a coffee or a dinner and have good conversations
  13. Reruns of "Wat als" on tv. ...very funny 
  14. Getting my car back after driving with a tiny replacement car for a couple of days

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  
As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link


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