Count your blessings - February 2021

  1. Weekend mornings spent in pyjama in the sofa
  2. Observing snow coming down from inside through the window
  3. Welcoming a new hire in the team...finally.  Several more needed.
  4. An extra duvet on the bed in a freezing week and feeling the warm weight at night
  5. Sun on snow and blue sky
  6. Returning to the east of Belgium after a few weeks of absence
  7. A true hot hot shower
  8. Delicious pea soup with bacon
  9. Carrying a little boy to bed fresh out of bath (hmm the smell)
  10. Ice on our walks to discover all bundled up in a glorious blue sky
  11. Beertje who seems to sleep more often through the night than the previous months.  (and who has picked up the habit to use his potty in his room in silence at night rather than calling us...since he doesn't dare to walk to the bathroom alone at night). 
  12. Sitting in the sofa with a book, feet up, seeing some last traces of snow outside and the ridiculous Christmas tree in east Belgium that I've not taken down yet because in my mind German speaking people, snow and Christmas trees fit together regardless the calendar date. 
  13. Some moments of silence in the house or spending an hour alone in a room
  14. Coffee
  15. Walking behind Jan and one of the boys, hand in hand in some cute conversation
  16. Not getting up right away on a weekend morning and snoozing in that cozy warm bed
  17. The first crocusses popping up, seeing a first bee buzzing by and watching a robin whistle enthousiastically. 
  18. Observing a massive crane migration
  19. Winter jumping all of a sudden to spring.
  20. The city buzzing with activity as everybody goes outside
  21. Walking through the city in a sweater again
  22. Getting a haircut more annoying hair in my neck!
  23. Rediscovering "Suits" on Netflix after 4 years of pauze or so. 

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  
As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link 



Els said…
Die kraanvogelvlucht had ik ook graag gezien, gelukkig waren er andere gelukjes (zou ze ook eens moeten oplijsten, maakt een mental note)
Goofball said…
@Els: die kraanvogels hadden we voorbije jaren al 2 keer zien passeren over de venen maar blijft wel indrukwekkend. Het zijn echt grote vogels in grote groepen (en met veel lawaai) die zo paar dagen lang hele tijd passeren.