Count your blessings - December 2021

  • A boy in quarantine at home at the moment we're working from home full time again anyhow...fortunately no organizational stress
  • A boy being able to return to school for a last week and seeing the number of classmates returning rising again so they were almost complete before the end of the year
  • Walking in the city with my son's little hand in mine, listening to his chatter. 
  • My Far Side scraped daily feed, my daily smile
  • Crawling all together in the bed in the morning to snooze with the 4 of us...4 bodies close to each other for a few minutes. 
  • My booster being planned sooner than anticipated
  • Hopping through the street hand in hand with my youngest
  • Christmas trees and lights everywhere in the house
  • 10 days of vacation
  • Watching a funny movie in the morning with the entire family in pyjama's
  • Observing both brothers playing calmly with their new Lego
  • Christmas with family again
  • The city beautifully decorated for the holidays
  • Searching books in the library
  • Checking in in an B&B and getting a tiny holiday feeling
  • Good conversations with my manager
  • BBS Prime tv...excellent winter tv
  • Boys running around excitedly in soft new onesies
  • Cooking fresh soup
  • 2 boys with a fresh haircut
  • Quite some negative self-tests
  • A basement that looks steadily emptier
  • A call to meet some far relatives in Canada digitally for the first time
  • Brainstorming on our #wedraaiendoor music series here on the blog

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link


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