Count your blessings - February 2022

  • Migrating cranes flying by
  • Resting when ill.  Effectively spending time on the sofa with no more than some brainless day-time tv.  Reflecting that Covid maybe entered the house at the right moment after a very stressful couple of weeks at work.... A moment that I would not have slowed down without illness. But hey, my company kept turning without me and I had to slow down and surrender. That might have been positive
  • Reading a book in one week
  • Observing the cat grass seeds sprout, root, grow to a lush little container full of grass . Nature is cool to observe
  • Sting's new single Por su Amor...worth to put on repeat a few times
  • Many other parents and neighbours offering help when they were aware we had 2 adults down with covid at home.  
  • The capacity to breathe again after some nose spray
  • Hugging the children again after keeping some distance for 10 days
  • Living in a country where I had 3 vaccinations free available for me in the previous year, where there is testing capacity etc so that in the end, catching Covid wasn't a big deal for me.
  • A field full of crocusses
  • Communicating with GIF's...always fun
  • A management meeting with 60% of participants (by coincidence) present at the office and ony 40% digitally...for the first time since early October, dating back from before wave 4 and wave 5 of the pandemic.  
  • Walking downtown when the city's carillon was getting played and the songs of the bells flew across the square
  • Searching new books in the library
  • Fresh tulips at home
  • Visiting C-mine with my brother-in-law
  • Planning vacation
  • A friend coming over for a quick lunch
  • Another sushi dinner with Yab, for the first time since wave 4 and 5 of Covid
  • Children dressed up for carnaval
  • Drinking a Rodenbach after visiting the market with an ex-neighbour
  • Observing the cat racing behind a toy mouse
  • A great sunny walk in the woods with the children

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  
As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link


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