usiness is "back to normal". ...we are back in the office most of the time and there is a constant flow of international visitors. It's quite fun to meet my new boss in real life, the connect to international colleagues I know from the screen etc.
Earlier this month, I also got to travel the first time again after 2,5 years to meet my new peers in the recent new regional structure we set-up this winter. I got to travel to Scotland to meet the team there. Despite the struggle to get it all arranged for the children (Jan is travelling regularly again as well), it was fun to be out. And it was also sooo tiring (ugh for flights, taxi rides, unknown hotel beds, late team dinners, travelling and coming home at night again.. I am so not used to that anymore)...the fact that I got somehow a stomach bug on the 2nd day didn't help. Well I assume that it's a stomcach bug because 36h of motion sickness after a taxi ride is a bit long, isn't it?
Aaaah Scotland...haggis and scottisch breakfast. It was good to meet again! (and I was the only brave one to order and eat!)
I had flashbacks to the ancient times that Jan was living and working in Edinburgh when we were just dating and the first years when I flew in now and then to this city. I had to take crapy pictures from the taxi to show him the new bridge Queensferry Crossing across the Forth, which we hadn't seen yet. The bridge is 6 years old and it's been 8 years since we were in
Edinburgh together with our
tiny baby Kabouter. If our passports had been ready I would have gone here for Easter instead of Germany but stupid Brexit doesn't allow for last-minute decisions anymore.
The hotel was in one of those gorgeous castle estates that are so typical in Scotland.
Much to my joy (despite the hour taxi-drive one way) we went for a team event and team dinner downtown Edinburgh where we had dinner just a few blocks away from Jan's old appartment. Sorry for the more crappy pictures, but I just had to quickly click before getting in and out the taxi. ...damn Edinburgh, I want to go back properly again to reconnect.
partial view on Edinburgh Castle, from Frederick street
down there in the street to the right just before the church was Jan's old place