A day to play outdoors

April 19th was the annual "play outdoor" day in Flanders: a day where most towns organise outdoor activities and all kid's tv channels go black for one afternoon.  With all the online games and streaming services, the latter isn't so effective anymore, but it's still quite a strong symbolic gesture.

We tend to try to work at home on Wednesdays (one of us) and then the children are home with us, but on April 19th our work schedules made it impossible to pick up the children at lunchtime so the only option was to leave them in the childcare at school on Wednesday afternoon.  Turned out well because then they'd be forced to play in the big school garden all afternoon, which they wouldn't have done if I picked them up at noon.

When I finally got them out of the reunions, they seemed to have had a good time even though they were the only two "big" kids left at school.  A lot of classmates were participating in the cities activities. 

I had glanced at the program and my agenda, and even though I was still overloaded with deliverables to finish I figured I could escape for an hour and take the boys downtown for a concert of the Ketnetband while I'd continue to work during their judo practise later that evening.  And so we did...in speed tempo we walked downtown to the concert where we found 10 more class mates in front of the stage. 
That was fun...
