Count your blessings - February 2024

  1. Colleagues doing detours to pick you up and drive you to the office now and then.  At least I've been out of Leuven 5 times in a full month. 
  2. Escaping just in time the main road where farmers blocked the road on that commute. 
  3. Jan ordering pancakes to be delivered at home for us at the start of February
  4. Gathering with my cousins for the first time in years and really having good open & vulnerable conversations with them unexpectedly and as a result getting to know them better. 
  5. 7 bus lines crossing the neighbourhood, which are a blessing if you can't drive neither walk far. 
  6. Other parents, friends, neighbours and a cousin all taking turns in getting the children to and from birthday parties and other appointments when I couldn't do so and Jan was travelling.
  7. A friend driving all the way to Leuven to cheer me up and keep me company
  8. Not being BOB at all, so not doing an alcohol-free month at all. 
  9. Relaxing time at home. 
  10. Reading again.
  11. Playing board games with the boys
  12. Death in Paradise season 13...finally some new episodes again now that we can voice-over all the old ones spontaneously.
  13. A young new GP that pushes in the hospital to get me faster appointments for an MRI scan and to see the surgeon specialist
  14. Not getting the worst surgery and no future vacations at risk. 
  15. Shopping for my first pair of glasses and being excited to have less tired eyes after work, I hope
  16. Going to the PoescafĂ© with my mother and playing a card game with her.  
  17. Jan returning home after 14 days of travel in 18 days.   He missed his flight but made it just in time back 2 hours before the rest of his family came to visit us. 
  18. The last New Year's letters read
  19. Yab coming over for sushi again and for once not beating us in a game of Exploding Kittens
  20. Making my first gentle steps without my brace again. 

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  

As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link


Anne said…
Hoe gaat het met de bril ondertussen?
Goofball said…
@Anne: ik heb dagen dat ik op einde werkdag op kantoor denk "oh shit, ik ben mijn bril vergeten opzetten". En een andere dag dat ik over de middag een boodschap ga doen en denk "oei, ik heb mijn bril nog op".

Hij is nog vaak vuil en als ik hem lang draag, zeker in combi met een headset kan dat echt knellen en me irriteren.

Maar ik denkw el dat hij me helpt voor minder vermoeide ogen. Zeker bij het thuiswerken met mijn 2 grote schermen vrij dicht bij mij, waar ik dan geen fysieke meetings tussendoor heb maar echt alleen online werk, dan zet ik hem wel heel systematisch op.
Anne said…
Ja, in essentie is een bril een vervelend ding dat in de weg zit, vuil wordt, bedampt, knelt, van je neus zakt... maar ja, slecht zien of hoofdpijn, het is ook geen optie.