

In January, I went to my annual check-up at the ophthalmologist and I was convinced I'd get a prescription for some glasses.   She had predicted it to me a few years ago that I had come to the age that I'd need reading glasses. And much to my shock I had indeed been moving some food packages back and forth to see some small ingredients.  And when I had a splinter in my finger over the Christmas holidays I never saw it sharp to pull it out with my tweezers.   

So I confirmed it to her and she agreed that I could use some reading glasses...not often yet but there's those moments that they'd help me. 

I was about to leave with my subscription when I asked whether that would also then solve my ever tired eyes that often left me wondering whether I had a sinus cold starting.  Or that had made me buy a new computer screen to be certain I saw it sharp with a good resolution.

With that conversation I actually went out with a 2nd prescription. This time I needed resting glasses which I'd wear a lot more. I should wear these during all my computer work to help my eyes rest. Because my sight is perfect, but my focal point is just behind my retina and hence my eye muscles correct this all day.  With my glasses, my vision will not really change but my muscles can rest a bit. 

So I hobbled with my brace to the optical store during the lockdown vacation with the children, estimating it was a good activity to get them out of the house for a moment.  Choosing one's first set of glasses is a confusing, stressful process because what to choose!  Something very flashy can be quite fun but would you get bored from that very quickly.   Do you need something neutral or something colourful? Isn't a shiny look a bit distracting on the screen? 

So since 2 weeks this is my new working look.  And so far I'm not tired of it, but gosh I need to learn not to touch the glasses with my fingers because cleaning glasses seems an eternal process.  And I still need to think about putting them on on the right moment but also to take them off again :p. 


Anne said…
Hahaha ja, het plezier van een bril als je die niet gewoon bent :-D Je moet er toch wel effe aan wennen.
Kris10 said…
Je went er nog wel aan. :)
Hij staat je wel goed!
Goofball said…
@Anne: ik vergeet hem vooral op kantoor altijd op te zetten. Als ik thuiswerk denk ik er wel aan. Maar de combi bril en koptelefoon is hatelijk. En de neusdingetjes staan altijd nogal rood in mijn neus, dus misschien moet ik dat wat laten bijstellen???

en ugh, nog steeds last van vette vingers. Die komen er magisch op 's nachts. Kabouterkes komen 's nachts mijn bril vuilmaken. Echt waar. En da's zo lastig om proper te krijgen!
Goofball said…
@Kris10: ja dank je. In de winkel is dat twijfel ten top, maar nu ik hem heb (zonder een tiental anderen om te vergelijken) vind ik hem best ok eruit zien.

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