My (non) digital children

(situation 1: Since our road trip in Canada the previous summer, the children are allowed to take their iPad on long rides and listen to music or stories/podcasts with a headset. They are not allowed to view anything. They tend to know how to handle this)

B: Owww  I have no more screen time to use the app of Het Geluidshuis. 
G: Give your iPad to dad, he'll add you some screen time on that app. It's ok
B: Damn, but my battery is almost dying and there is no good cable here.
J: Yes there must be a cable , you have two cables back in the car.
B: No! It's not the right head
J: This one is right for your iPad.
B: But I don't have internet yet.
G: Didn't you download anything for the car?
B: No it's this new iPad, there is nothing on here.
G: Sigh, it's fine, you can search my phone for wifi. Dad will approve your connection request. Just search my phone, it's ok to connect on it for now.  (unlocks quickly my phone with my face and hands it to Jan). 
B: I don't see your phone yet in the lsit...ah ok, (xxx) right? Ok, found it, thank you.
B: But I don't understand, I must download all of the stories still and pay for them? It's 8 euro.  This one is 8 euro, that one is 8 euro...Why?
G: Wait a moment, did you log in in the app from Het Geluidshuis
B: Yes
J: Is it saying my name?
g: You must log in... Dad has an account and dad paid for all those stories before, but if you are not logged in, that app doesn't know we paid for them.
J: Give your iPad here, ok, let me look.  ....No , you were not logged on. Just a moment.
B: Ok thanks, so it's ok to download it right?
G: Yes you can download a story.
B: Hey but my battery still is so low and the cable is in! 
G: Sure it is connected allright? Do you see it is charging?
J: Give your iPad, let me check.   But no buddy, you didn't connect right. Of course it is not charging. it is charging.

B: Oh nooooooo, we did all this for nothing. I completely connected the story and downloaded is and now I don't have a sound. I don't hear anything. 
J: Close that app once. You never close apps. you've had this before.  ARgh, just give me your iPad
G: Is your headset on? 
J: Did you connect the headset
B: I don't know, I think so, but I don't hear anything.
B: I still can't hear anything. I also don't understand what's going on
G: I'm convinced that your headset is not on well.
(Jan takes the iPad again)

We were 45 minutes in the drive when finally it was all working.  I observed that iPad going back and forth and all the complaints with some distant amusement.   Funny how they can be so independent and technically and then yet, that everything can go wrong.  Anyway, the 2nd half of our drive was blessfully silent on the backseats. 

(situation 2: Kabouter's teacher which we all loved very much abruptly left the school for a different type of job.  Kabouters and his classmates filmed goodbye messages with their chromebooks, made their own compilation in Canva. They sent messages to each other to arrange it all.
His teacher is also a big Death in Paradise fan so she was jealous about our trip and Kabouter had promised her some pictures)

G: Did you send your teacher already a picture
K: No but I don't know how to do a hotmail. 
J: It is an e-mail , you can send her an e-mail
K: Do I need to have a hotmail? I don't have a hotmail.  How do I get a hotmail.
G: It's an email address. 

Funny how e-mail apparently is something for boomers. 


saturnein said…
Hahaha, die blissful silence daarna :-)

Yep, e-mail is voor oude mensen.
Goofball said…
@saturnein: nu e-mail ik ook wel niet meer voor persoonlijke berichten. Al wie je goed kent, stuur je wel iets op whatsapp of messenger of skype of ... maar geen e-mail. Email is voor formele communicatie waar je geen ander meer persoonlijk communicatiepunt mee hebt. Waardoor ik ook in feite emails niet snel opvolg. Da's geworden zoals de papieren post: veel rommel, updates van organisaties waar je misschien eens wil naar kijken maar niet dringend, facturen en administratie vooral, maar weinig persoonlijk.

Dus het is wel normaal dat e-mail voor hem nog onbekend domein is.

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