The Parade of the men of the year - 2024


Once a year, in early September you'll find dressed up sculptures in Leuven.  Fonske, the fountain of wisdom in the city center wears as suit . Each year a different suit, so there's already museum material now to look at all the suits that Fonske has worn.

He always gets the suits from the men of the year that turn 50. So this year he was dressed in a suit of the men of 74. 

All those men in suits, year by year also march once a year in a parade through the city center.  You see flocks of them gathering and all assembling together in the afternoon to form with a lot of delay and patience one line.   Blocks gathering birth years with the same ending number are ligned up...older years get a ride in some original vehicle and the others march with multiple bands through the city center;

It's a tradition and since Jan is part of the men of the year 1972, we've been participating many years. It's a fun tradition to see so many people gather but it is also comfronting to see everyone age each year, especially the older years and groups growing thinner and thinner;

Our own boys like the tradition very much so they are always eager to carry some year plats or the flag.  

Every year has its own suit

Some snapshots of the parade

There are some Dutch groups joining

The photographer getting snapped

1972 from Leuven and from Oosterhout (NL) together

The Abraham's from 1974 turning 50 this year as honorary group in the parade


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