Count your blessings - January 2025

  1. New Year with Friends abroad
  2. Fast chargers along the highway
  3. Nose spray and Sinutab
  4. The feeling of breathing fine again after weeks of struggling for breath
  5. Snow in the East of Belgium (and being able to take a last minute day off to profit from that during 24h)
  6. The boys on their first judo tournament
  7. Getting a new cleaning lady
  8. Snow in Leuven
  9. A quiz with friends
  10. Visiting the Emile Claus exhibition in my home town before it closed
  11. A dinner on a bus in Paris
  12. Cuddling with Rodin
  13. Finding some routine back after stressful and too busy weeks
  14. The boys snuggling in our bed for a moment
  15. A weekend with no plans in the east of Belgium
  16. A flock of migrating loud geese
  17. Finishing a good book in one week
  18. Discovering "Return to Paradise" and watching together with the family
  19. My new comfy sweatpants

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  

As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link


saturnein said…
Aaaah quizzen, ik vond dat altijd plezant vroeger.

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