Life's lemons

Over the past weeks a lot of Belgian bloggers participated in the 40 days of Blogging challenge again during lent. So did I, but I didn't really announce it on this blog as it didn't make a real difference for me anyhow. I have an average of 5-6 posts per week since many months.

Many participants take a brake after stepping up their blogging effort out of their comfort zone.  Coincidently my blog went a bit quiet this week but not for the same reasons.

I didn't lack inspiration...traditionally I always have something to tell after  a weekend about the activities we did and a long Easter weekend surely gives enough pictures and stories.  We've made trips, visits, relaxed, ... and had some fabulous times. Since my blog is mostly a diary, I usually  have something to tell.

Unfortunately 2019 is bringing all the emotional challenges and worries that I feared for at New Year's night. Stories I cannot share because they involve other people and it's not up to me to share their challenges here on my blog.  But the worries of those close to me, affect me.

The last 2 weeks have by coincidence been an accumulation of a tough decision, grief, bad news, irritation and a health crisis in my family. As a result I started the week with a sleep deficit and I've survived in zombie mode.

So the half a dozen fun draft stories with sunny pictures I started past weekend,  left me staring idle at the screen. I couldn't complete them. I wasn't in the mood. I couldn't think straight.  I'm catching up some sleep and energy again, so I'll complete them in the coming days.

It's ok. We're ok. But things are sometimes tougher than the appearance of most of my posts and they'll continue to be so. That's life for most of us, isn't it?


Anne said…
Zo gaat dat soms met blogs hè, dat je er alleen de limonade ziet en niet de citroenen. Ik wens je heel veel sterkte om alle moeilijke dingen met behulp van je mannen (klein en groot) te doorspartelen.
Goofball said…
Dank je Anne.
Le petit requin said…
Sterkte! 't Is niet inderdaad niet omdat het op het scherm rozengeur en maneschijn is, dat dat ook achter de schermen zo is.
Leen said…
Ja zo is het leven, spijtig genoeg :( Ups en downs en soms volgen de downs elkaar veel te snel op. Ik hoop dat je intussen weer in een up zit, en dat het voor de betrokkenen ook beter gaat....
Goofball said…
@Leen: dank je. Jammer genoeg zijn sommige downs van lange duur en andere blijvend en moet je leren die een plaats in je leven te geven...wat ook met vallen en opstaan gebeurt. Alles is momenteel wel weer wat stabieler.

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