Street art in Leuven (6)
I harvested a bit more street art in Leuven the previous months, although I must admit that I have now covered all the images that I am currently aware off.
In Kessel-Lo, a neighbourhood committee of the Pieter Nollekensstreet has commissioned 2 giant murals in their street a few years ago. The first one I've featured here before but now I've had a chance to look up the 2nd a bit further. On top of that I have recently discovered a new Smates in Heverlee at the entry of a garage. So I'll portray all 3 of them here together.
Girl with the suitcase - SMATES
Boy with a rose - SMATES (& treepack)
Also in Kessel-Lo , right behind the train station, there's another street all decorated across many houses with butterflies, flowers etc. Very cool to see a theme continue in an entire street.
In the same street there is another remarkable facade. There is a woman with long waving hair that continues to the house next door.
Some Van Ostaijen poetry in the Paul van Ostaijen park
Here's my 6th post on street art in Leuven. Version 5, Version 4, version 3 en version 2 and version 1 can be found in my archives.