
Showing posts from August, 2008

Last weekend of summer


A long sweaty bikeride with daydreams of swimming pools and cool showers....finally in the last weekend of August we are treated again with some

You know you're in the Netherlands...

The morning after

Our new bed has arrived

Stef is 3 years

Eneco tour

RenƩe is 3 years

Keeping the best for last

Sprinting fever

How I spent my free afternoon on my knees

Bear hug

Green cake

Hawaiian pictures

What should you wear at a wedding party when invitation states: dresscode

Writer's block


Sleepy conversations

My sister's keeper

My first Marktrock

Wisdom with hindsight

The olympic gold medal for shooting with an air-pistol was won by the Chinese

How do you know that summer (vacation) is half over?

Hapje Tapje

The Ypres Salient